10 Surprising Places You Need To Clean At Home


Got nothing to do on a weekend? It’s probably time to do a deep clean of your home. You might be surprised by how many places you’ve been neglecting.

Here are 10 places you need to clean at home:

1. The kitchen sink– You prepare all your meals here, so it’s important to keep the sink clean. Use a natural cleaner like vinegar and water to disinfect. You can also put a little lemon juice in the mix for extra freshness.

2. The fridge– You probably already clean out your fridge regularly, but it’s important to give it a deep clean every once in a while. Throw out old food, wipe down shelves, and vacuum the coils (if you have them) to keep your fridge running efficiently.

3. The oven– You probably don’t think to clean your oven very often, but it’s important to do it at least once a month. Use a natural cleaner like baking soda and water to scrub away any built-up grime. Make sure to clean the door, too!

4. The microwave– Another appliance that you probably use every day but don’t think to clean very often. Wipe down the inside and outside of the microwave with a damp cloth. If there are any stubborn spots, use a natural cleaner like vinegar and water.

5. The bathroom sink– You probably already clean your bathroom sink regularly, but it’s important to give it a deep clean every once in a while. Use a natural cleaner like vinegar and water to disinfect. You can also put a little lemon juice in the mix for extra freshness.

6. The toilet– This is one area of the bathroom that you definitely don’t want to neglect. Use a toilet brush and cleaner to scrub the bowl and under the rim. Don’t forget to clean the seat and handle, too!

7. The shower– Another area of the bathroom that is important to keep clean. Use a natural cleaner like vinegar and water to scrub away any soap scum or built-up grime. Make sure to clean the shower door, too!

8. The windows– It’s important to clean your windows regularly to let in the maximum amount of light. Use a window cleaner and a lint-free cloth to wipe down the glass. Don’t forget to clean the frames and sills, too!

9. The air vent– Your home’s air vent might not seem like a place that needs to be cleaned, but it’s important to do it every once in a while. Vacuum the vents to remove any dust or dirt that has built up. You can call companies that do professional air vent cleaning in Nebraska or other US states to do this for you.

10. The gutters– This is one area of your home that you probably don’t think about very often, but it’s important to keep clean. Use a garden hose to flush out any leaves or debris that have collected in the gutters. Doing this will help prevent water damage to your home.

Cleaning your home may seem like a daunting task, but it’s important to do it regularly. By following these tips, you can make sure that your home is clean and healthy for you and your family.

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