Household Maintenance: 5 Commonly Overlooked Elements

  • Plumbing systems should be inspected every two years to prevent costly repairs.
  • Gutters should be inspected and cleaned yearly to protect against water damage.
  • Dryer vents should be professionally cleaned once a year or every 18 months.
  • HVAC systems require regular maintenance for all parts, such as filters, blowers, and ducts.
  • Keeping your home in good condition is critical for your health, safety, and overall well-being. While most homeowners know the importance of keeping up with appliance maintenance, regularly changing air filters, and replacing exterior lighting fixtures when needed, some details can be overlooked. Let’s look at a few household elements that are often ignored but should not be.

    Plumbing System

    Did you know that your plumbing system, including your pipes and fixtures, should be inspected every two years? This is especially important if you’re living in an older home. Regular inspections can help detect problems such as corrosion and leaking pipes which could lead to costly repairs. You should also inspect your water pressure to see if it’s too low or too high. You can use a digital pressure gauge to identify any issues. This is a tool used by many plumbers as it’s easier to use compared to the traditional dial gauge.

    Gutters and Downspouts

    Gutters play a huge role in protecting your home from water damage. They work by collecting the rainwater that can pool around your home’s foundation- preventing it from seeping into the house. Most people don’t think twice about their gutters until they become clogged or damaged, so it’s essential to inspect them at least twice a year and clean them out as necessary. Additionally, make sure you have downspouts away from your home’s foundation- this will help direct water away from the walls and prevent erosion.

    Dryer Vent Cleaning

    It might seem unnecessary, but cleaning out your dryer vent can save you energy costs and prevent potential fires from lint build-up. It is recommended to have the vent professionally cleaned once per year or every 18 months, depending on how often you use the dryer. However, you can clean your dryer vent on your own. Here’s how:

    Unplug Your Dryer

    Before you begin any form of home maintenance, it’s always best practice to unplug the appliance from its power source. This ensures that you won’t get an electric shock while you work. Ensure that the wall outlet and your machine are unplugged before beginning.

    Remove the Lint Trap Housing

    Your lint trap is located in the front of your dryer and should be removed first before any other steps are taken. All new dryers come with instructions on how to do this, so make sure to refer back if necessary. In most cases, you must pull down on the housing and slide out the lint trap itself. Usually, this will reveal a small panel within which you can access various components such as vents, fans, or motors behind it.

    Vacuum Out Any Excess Lint

    Using your vacuum cleaner attachment, vacuum out any excess lint collected behind the lint trap housing or on the vents themselves. Make sure that there aren’t any clumps of lint blocking airflow or restricting movement in any way-this can pose a fire hazard and reduce efficiency in your appliance over time. Use a long brush attachment to knock off anything stuck between crevices or cracks along walls or floors near your machine for extra safety measures!

    Reassemble and Test Your Machine

    After vacuuming out all visible lint from inside your machine, put everything back together according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer (or reverse what you did in Step 2). Once done assembling everything back together again, plug in your machine and run it through one cycle with no laundry inside to ensure everything is working correctly post-cleaning session!

    HVAC System

    Your HVAC system is responsible for keeping your home comfortable throughout the year by regulating temperatures indoors, filtering air, and providing humidity control when needed. To prevent breakdowns or costly repairs in the future, it’s important to schedule regular maintenance for all parts of your HVAC system, such as filters, blowers, and ducts, at least once a year (or more if needed). This will ensure everything is working correctly, so you don’t have any unexpected problems during extreme temperatures or seasons when you need it most!

    Smoke Alarms & Carbon Monoxide Detectors

    These devices are essential for any home as they are designed to detect smoke or carbon monoxide in case of a fire or gas leak respectively. Make sure to check each device regularly and replace batteries if needed (it’s also recommended to replace all smoke alarms every 10 years). If you don’t already have these devices installed, then take it upon yourself to do so- they could potentially save lives!

    As you can see, some important household elements are often overlooked. By taking the time to inspect, maintain and replace these items when needed, you can ensure your home is a safe and pleasant place to live. Don’t neglect the small things – they can make a big difference!

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