Should I Get a Foundation Inspection? [Spoiler: YES]


Damage to a home’s foundation can cause a myriad of problems, from flooding and mold to dangerous structural issues. The most effective way to avoid these problems is to book a foundation inspection.

A home foundation inspection is an important tool in your arsenal. It’s an easy, affordable way to keep yourself informed about potential issues with your home.

Foundation inspection can also help you if you’re shopping for a new home.

When you hire someone to inspect a foundation, you reap several benefits. Read on to learn about the biggest advantages of getting a foundation inspection.

A Smart Investment

As with most things related to home improvement, foundation inspection cost is a commonly cited reason for people to avoid inspections. However, foundation inspection is not only affordable–it could save you money.

Problems with your foundation can lead to significant damage to your home. That means costly home repair.

Foundation issues can also lead to flooding in your basement. A flooded basement can result in damage–often irreparable–to anything you have stored there.

It’s much safer to get a foundation inspection now, before serious problems manifest. That way you can address issues before they get out of hand, saving you money in the long run.

Even if you pay for an inspection that doesn’t turn up major issues, you’ll at least gain some peace of mind–that’s well worth the price.

Keep Your Family Safe

It’s not all about money, of course. The main reason to get a foundation inspection is to protect your health and the health of your family–that’s something you can’t put a price tag on.

A cracked foundation can lead to unstable walls or roofs, causing dangerous structural hazards. People could be injured if these issues continue to build.

Cracks can also lead to moisture accumulation in your basement, which makes it a breeding ground for mold. Mold can cause a variety of health risks, including respiratory problems.

When you hire a company like Lux Foundation Services for foundation inspection and repair, you’re not just checking your house–you’re protecting your family.

Don’t Make a Bad Purchase

Foundation inspection is a necessity to keep your home safe, but you should also inspect the foundation of any home you’re interested in purchasing. This can help you make a smarter decision about what homes to buy.

If a home has foundation issues, it’s not necessarily a deal-breaker, but it’s something you need to know up front.

In the best-case scenario, learning that the home has foundation issues gives you some leverage. You may be able to negotiate a lower price, or have the seller take care of the foundation problems before you buy.

If you discover foundation problems and can’t work them out with the seller, that’s a serious red flag. You may need to look for a different house.

Foundation Inspection: Affordable Protection

Whether you already own your home or you’re looking to buy a new house, you can benefit from a foundation inspection. The knowledge you gain from a house foundation inspection will help you make smarter, safer decisions.

Are you interested in other ways to make your house a safer, better place to live? Visit our home improvement blog for more great articles like this one.

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